Congregation Chai v’Shalom began in 1997 as a store-front office in Dogtown, St. Louis, MO.  Rev. Kevin Parviz, a Jewish believer in Y’shua (Jesus), envisioned a congregation of Jewish and non-Jewish believers in Jesus, worshipping together in much the same fashion as the Church in the 1st century, the worship style patterned after a “second-temple model” of worship. 

Our ministry has a two-fold mission.  First, we are to be engaged in intentional outreach to the Jewish community in St. Louis, and through its partner ministries, in every city with a significant Jewish population.  And second, we are to help the Church learn to appreciate the Jewish roots of their faith, to the end that they would also be in ministry to God’s first people, from whom He sent HIs only Son, Messiah Y’shua, that the world might be reconciled to Him.

We celebrate Divine Worship on Sunday mornings, also in the pattern of the 1st century Church, as we celebrate the resurrection of Messiah, Y’shua.  We are located at 6327 Clayton Ave., Dogtown, St. Louis, MO.  Our services are at 10:00 a.m. with Bible study beginning at 9:00 a.m.  Oneg Shabbat follows the service.  We hope you will join us.  Shalom!

For directions, click on the picture of our building>>>

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E-mail the Pastor:


Congregation Chai v’Shalom

6327 Clayton Ave.

Dogtown, St. Louis, MO  63139

Call us at (314) 645-4456

22 Seconds that epitomize our ministry!


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